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CARO - 'London Rents, Guts Gallery, and Bitches in Heat: One Hate, Two Loves'

Hello and welcome once more dearest readers.  

This month I’m coming to you with something a bit different. Something more personal. I’m writing this late at night, after a two-hour commute home from one of the jobs I work, ready for bed for my other job tomorrow. Both of which I work on a self-employed basis. Hours are never guaranteed. Regardless, I’m sitting here feeling blessed because I’m working in the industry I love and working up to living the life I want as an artist, author, academic- and all round awesome person that I want to be. I write for this incredible magazine, organise events, exhibitions, and I’m studying for my Master’s at London’s very own Royal College of Art. What an absolute dream come true! With the stuff I do, I am out of the house, working in one way or another Monday to Saturday, and often Sundays too. Through the fatigue I feel happy. It’s hard work but when it’s something you love so much, you eat, you breathe, you live- the very blood in your veins- then when I come home at the end of the day the tiredness is nothing. But after all of this, I don’t make enough to even cover the rent for a room.  

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