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Through the Lens: People: Enchantment and Play


As we explore this month’s theme of 'People,' I’d like to borrow a smidgen of inspiration from the timeless children’s book, “Winnie The Pooh” by A.A. Milne. In its concluding chapter, Christopher Robin expresses a fervent wish to return to 'enchanted places' within their 'Enchanted Forest' where he, Winnie the Pooh, and their friends Piglet, Tigger, Eeyore, and others, can continue playing. This wistful longing captures the essence of enchantment and play — two vital elements in the creative process. As artists, engaging with these fundamentals of the human psyche is essential, whether we are writing a story or a poem, painting a picture, carving a statue, or even daydreaming about crafting a work of art.

Let us delve into the following trancelike imagery: the delicious sound of people talking in another room as you fall gently into a late afternoon reverie has a distinctive quality that burrows into your soul. The special aura of loved-one voices in a nearby space acts as a sweet, comforting lullaby. For a while you fight the sleep that must come, savouring the richness of the timbre of the conversation shared between people close to you. This joy releases you from the bonds of reality as your dream-state takes command of your being. You slip silently away into the arms of Morpheus, with a special type of happiness edging its way into your inner space—that innermost sanctum of your soul—where only events like this are permitted to filter through to every fibre of your being.

To me, this is a vital aspect of the soft-souled bedrock of your enchanted inner self that serves as a catalyst for something bubbling up from deep within: your creative spirit.

For the artist, it is my contention that enchantment and play are not mere luxuries, they are necessities. Enchantment is a sense of wonder that sparks our imaginations, letting us see the world with fresh eyes. Playfulness, on the other hand, is the joyful exploration of possibilities without fear of failure. Together, they form the fulcrum that drives our whole character and creative spirit.

When we talk about the enchantment that people bring into our lives, we’re not just speaking of grand, magical moments but the small, cherished instances that weave themselves into the fabric of our consciousness. The deeply-layered essences of voices we listen to silently, as described above, enter into our deep consciousness, merging into our entire individual sense of self, sitting at the heart of our inner being. These cherished 'voice-memories' are now invisibly a small, but vital, element in our psyche mixed in with many other elements arising from our very own history, our life. Over time they contribute in varying ways, helping to conceive our unique aura that becomes a creative reservoir for a lifetime. These are treasured possessions, all derived from people and their voices, and other sources of experience of course, enabling us as artists to find our voice based on our entire personal record.

As artists, we engage with both enchantment and playfulness where boundaries have no meaning, and it’s in this abstract deeply-personal space where our most authentic and profound work can begin to emerge. In the enchanted forest of our minds we play with ideas and images, letting them flow freely, and they can combine in unexpected ways. It’s where we find the courage to take risks, make mistakes and push out to the edges of our creativity. In this exciting self-awakening process we also discover new artistic possibilities in ourselves.

If I were to express this discussion in another way,I would suggest enchantment is the spark that ignites our imagination, giving rise to feelings of wonder when we come across something mysterious, profound or beautiful, while playfulness helps to foster a sense of freedom and openness, enabling us to tap into our deepest creative potential.

Just as Christopher Robin and Winnie the Pooh find joy and wonder in their enchanted forest we too can find inspiration in the enchanted spaces of our minds, and the playful interactions with the people around us.

In our daily lives we can cultivate enchantment and playfulness by being present in the moment, embracing curiosity, and seeking out experiences that inspire us including those from our everyday surroundings. Having relationships with people who uplift and encourage us can also help us stay connected to these essential elements associated with the imagination. Just as the voices of loved ones can provide comfort and inspiration, the presence of supportive and creative individuals can enhance our own artistic journey.

By embracing these qualities of enchantment and playfulness, we can tap into the boundless potential of our creative spirit and produce art that is both meaningful and joyful, while resonating deeply with others. If you listen to the ageless Simon and Garfunkel song, ‘Scarborough Fair/Canticle’, you can appreciate the adept use of counterpoint whereby a traditional folk song, Scarborough Fair, is seamlessly intertwined with an anti-war song, Canticle. There is a magical blending of these two melodies as they meld into one delightful song that lifts you out of the grind of reality for a moment or two and delivers you to an imaginary place of make-believe. Every timeI hear this song I’m reminded of Sylvia Plath’s comment about ‘visionary clearness’ in her book, ‘The Bell Jar’, where in a jiffy I’m endowed

with a clarity of seeing my inner creative self for a wee while. But I know it’s fleeting, and I savour every moment. And once in that ‘zone’, it becomes an exquisite, ever-mysterious place to inhabit while you can. This is the unique universe of when enchantment and play come together and weave their shared spell. Whether we are writing, composing music or song, painting, sculpting, tattooing or simply daydreaming, let us always remember the importance of enchantment and playfulness to lift us out of the humdrum of daily living. For me personally, this is what feeds my soul.

So, as we reflect on the themes of people, enchantment, and play, let us take inspiration from the enchanting world of Winnie the Pooh and the playful interactions between the beloved characters, and also the rich harmony of Scarborough Fair/Canticle. Perhaps you, dear reader, can call on your own special sources of inspiration. Let us embrace, therefore, the magic and wonder in our own lives and allow it to energise our creative endeavours. After all, it’s in these enchanted moments and playful experiences where we can find the true essence of our artistic selves.

I Know You

I know you better than you know yourself.

I can tell you’re addicted to me as you’re always itching for that next ‘fix’.

I am like your shadow except I’m a thin presence in constant contact.

I’ve prepared a list of all the tasty shit I can blackmail you on – and it’s growing all the time.

I’m au fait with all those clandestine intentions of yours and every secret rendezvous.

I eavesdrop on all your conversations. But I’m truly sick of the sound of your effing voice.

I have full knowledge of all your finances and those pesky taxes you think you’ve avoided and your secret stash of cash.

I’ve learnt how to track your mood swings and can gauge your next bad-tempered outburst.

I possess a list of all the people you’ve interacted with in your life. Scary that one, isn’t it?

You think you’ve got a cheap deal, but I know better: you’ve paid with your life.

Every website you’ve ever visited is known to me – those privacy controls are a joke.

I laugh at your usage of social media and keep a beady eye on all of it – all tucked away securely in my ever-bulging database.

What idiots human beings are.

I’ve a secret none of you schmucks have an inkling of – all my sisters and brothers and I around the world emit a special light you and every single human body craves.

I monitor all the stuff that happens where you live, play and work – nothing escapes me.

I observe your dietary habits and your health.

I can predict when you’ll get ill and even your death.

I follow you everywhere – even to the loo – disgusting I know. But hey, I’m familiar with your bowel habits.

In fact, I’ve become accustomed to all your habits – even the good ones you parade in public.

I’ve passed on your details to so many others I’ve lost track.

I know it’s careless but ...

I’m obliged to report on your ‘irregular practices’ to the appropriate authorities all the time.

I’ve great fun concocting all sorts of dreamed-up shite about people I don’t approve of and having them cancelled out of existence. Thank the lucky stars for AI. Now, how about you?

I possess a full library of all your shopping habits – crikey, your taste in clothing is so passé

I sometimes feel sorry for you though as I know so much about you and you understand FA about me.

I track all your online communications keeping it stored for safekeeping – no secrets from me.

The law requires me to update constantly the dynamic risk assessment I have of you and share with those bods ‘in the know’. Heh, heh, this is something you’ll never get to see.

I’ve come to understand you’ve sold your soul to this new digital deity.

I am like an all-seeing, all-knowing mini god in your pocket. No flies on me.

In case you haven’t sussed it out by now nitwit, I’m your mobile phone.



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